
The Lonely Vampire Prince

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Chapter 5:

“City Exploring”

Somewhere in an unknown place…

“Are you sure that’s her?”

“Yes, for sure, I’m positive, that’s her, the girl I was just with in the dream, just hours ago”

He looked into the golden mirror in front of him with his fellow companion next to him, seeing the beautiful girl reflecting her image from the mirror glass.

I can still remember how beautiful she looked in that ball gown, I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I remember how scared she was looked at me,  hesitated at first but decided to let me help her out. Then after telling her what happened...what I did with her...that it was all just a dream, she was convinced. It was the most fun time I’ve had in my entire immortal life with someone, I never felt so normal, in a very long time. But what made me happy, most of all was her personality. She’s sweet, kind, nice, generous and that infectious laugh she had, it made me laugh...her smile, it made me smile too.

The time we spent together, every time I looked at her…she reminded me so much of…

Images of a bright, beautiful and young independent pink hedgehog flooded into his head.

The blue figure fell to his knees and hung his head sadly. His golden eyes started to water up.

"We were having such a good time...I wish it didn’t have to end so soon though…When she had to leave, I was upset. I wanted her to stay longer but knew she had to go back to her friends, so I let her go. I told her though we’d met again soon…and we did but, not as I hoped it would…”

'I was upstairs in the library when I heard footsteps coming from downstairs. I ran as quickly as I could. I followed as to where the foot steps were coming from. I ran from room to room until I found her, in the study room. She was getting closer and closer to touching my most precious, fragile thing…my blue enchanted rose. I saw that she was inches from touching it…I had to stop her.'

“Wait, don’t touch that!”

But it was already too late as she touched the stem of the flower, she started falling to the ground fast but luckily I was able to catch her, just in time. I looked around me to see the glass dome broke into pieces, I looked up to where the blue flower was, it was still intact.

I sighed with relief. Good thing it was made an eternal living thing.
I looked back to the ground where she was still in my arms, passed out.

I caressed her face gently. Her lilac skin felt so soft.

I don’t blame her for being curious but she’s only young at heart and was  just scared and confused like before. Her curiosity got the best of her.

But it doesn’t matter right I got to see her again, this time holding her in my arms. She had such a pretty face, she looked very innocent too. She looked very peaceful sleeping like this, I wish I could hold her just a little longer but it didn’t last long as she started to disappeared once again.

At that point, I was determined, I decided to go on my usual night walk and look for her.

September 11th, 2014, 10:30pm

I looked around for awhile until I came across this building, I saw standing 4 young girls and a tan male hedgehog, that’s when I noticed her.

I was hiding in behind a big black vehicle so no one would spot me. I also had my black cape hood over my head to blend myself in.

The girls and the tan hedgehog were in front of the building, talking.  

That tan hedgehog, I know him. He was in my home a couple years back.
But he wasn’t alone, he had people with him. Those people investigated on the paranormal.

I couldn’t dare show myself just like that. If they knew I was real, then they won't leave me alone, they’ll expose me to the world. If that happened then I don’t know what I’d do.

And that violet purple cat girl, next to her with the long black straight hair…I know her too. Vanessa was her name, she came to my home one time with a bunch of other people, something to do with school purposes with what I heard. I actually met her one time. She was very sweet and kind, just like her friend next to her. Before she left, I swore to her that she never tell anyone about me, I don’t want people to know that I’m real or else they’ll never leave me alone…ever. She kept her word.

Anyway, back to reality.

I saw that the tan hedgehog getting into the vehicle, about to leave perhaps. He left seconds later and the young girls were then left alone, talking among them selves, I can tell it’s definitely about me. I can tell that they’re shaken by this a bit but shake it off, it’s probably been a long day for them as they just arrived here not too long ago.

I then saw them head in the building. I assume that they’re going to be staying awhile.

Especially her.

I decided to get closer but not too close as I don’t want to caught.

I stood merely in front of the door but behind the gate to not draw attention. I listened carefully as to what they were saying.

I over heard them talking about some place called McDonalds, I overheard saying something about not having dinner so I’m assuming this place is for food perhaps also that there going to be up on the 5th floor.

I looked up at the massive building. I decided to go up on the rooftop where I can hopefully catch her in person on the little balcony there plus no would be able to see me there.

I looked around the building and saw there’s no where for me to climb up  to the very top.

“Guess I have to fly up there then” I said

I shape-shifted into a bat and started flying to the rooftop.

I changed back to normal by the time I reached the top, I felt the presences of the 4 young girls coming below me.

Hopefully she’ll come out, even if it’s just for a few seconds, since I over them saying they’re going out to eat.

I bent down on one knee, my hands touching the cold stone ground and listened closely to they’re movements below me.

I then heard the sounds of doors opening.

They must be going inside a room of some sort or something like that.

I’m just guessing.

Then, not too long afterwards, I heard another door opening but it sounded closer to me, like it was coming from in front of where I was standing. I then heard voices.

“Nice view, huh?”

I looked over the ledge and just as I thought, I saw them.

Vanessa stood outside her little balcony and her pretty little friend next to her, looking out at the city far in the distance.

“Yeah it is”

I couldn’t make out her face fully but I definitely know that its her for sure.

“Well as much as want to look at this awesome view, I wanna go have chicken nuggets, they’re calling me to come get them.”

“Yeah, same”

“Let’s get going then, before I change my mind, it’s already after 11pm, the girls are probably waiting for us downstairs”

“Your right, let’s head down”

I can then hear them go back inside to where they came from.

If I want to know it’s her for sure then, I have to follow them. But not too closely as I don’t want them thinking that some unknown stranger is following them.

This time, I jumped over to the other building and jumped off from there. It’s best if I stay hidden in the ally ways but also keep close.

The girls came out seconds later.

‘I’ll wait until they pass by, then starting following them.’

They walked by, talking among them selves.

Now’s my chance.

I quickly ran behind them but kept my distance. Luckily, they’re too busy too notice me right behind them.

I noticed one of them stopped suddenly.

I saw an ally way and quickly ran to hide there behind some boxes.


I looked down and saw Midnight, my little black cat.

(“Maybe that’s her Daddy, can I go look and see?”) Midnight asked.

I looked back towards her. She was bent down, tying her shoe. Might as well, since she’s distracted.

“Yes, go on ahead, my pet”

Midnight walked towards her.



“Oh, hi there”

(She started stroking my head, I then started to rub my tiny body against her leg, I then started purring.)

(She seems friendly so far)

(She continued to pet and stroke me, for a little bit more. Then she stood up on her feet, I sat in front of her, then I stood up on my feet for a few seconds, raising my paw at her, telling her not to go and to stay here.)

“I know, your so cute, I wish I could stay here longer but I can’t”

She bent over slightly and stuck her hand out.

“Well I have to go now, can I get a little kiss before I leave?”

(I went closer to her, I sniffed her hand, I smelt another cat on her, she must have one too. I was going to lick her hand as a little kiss but since she was a stranger, I head butted her hand instead.)

“Eh, close enough”

She stood back up on both feet.

(“Midnight…”) I heard Daddy calling me.

(Well my work here is done) I started walking back quickly towards him.

(She looked towards me, seeing me leave.)

(I hid behind him. I hope she notices Daddy.)

“Good job, my little one, you got her attention, she seems to like you a lot”

(Yes, she does, I like her too and I smelt another cat on her, she must have one too! I smiled at him.)

“You don’t say” I looked back towards her, seeing if it’s her.

I took a closer look at her face, it looks exactly the same as I saw the first time and she was in different clothing obviously but still, her face...

I caught her attention for a second, I looked her in the eyes and sent a message to her head.

“We meet again stranger”

I saw her react quickly to it.


Her eyes slightly widened, I could tell she was a bit shocked, I had the feeling I scared her too much and might must run back to her friends, but for some reason, she just stood there instead…mesmerized.

She took a couple steps forwards…

“Kris! Kris!”

Both of us turned to see her friends were calling her.

I looked back towards her, still standing in the same spot, looking at me with guilty eyes.

I saw her run quickly back to where her friends were standing.

I looked to the ground and frowned.

(“I’m sorry Daddy, I know you wanted to see her again”)

I sighed.

“Don’t worry” I looked to Midnight.  “I’ll see her again at some point, I just have to find a way how but for now let’s keep going.”

We continued to follow them until they reached their destination.


September 11th, 2014, 11:51pm

I followed them back to the hotel, I sensed that they were sleepy after eating that strange food.

I used my Psychometry on that place, turns out it is a place to eat food, it looks gross but tastes very good at the same time.

I stayed behind the bushes like last time and heard them talking again.

They were talking to someone, who I find out her name is Diana, saying she was finishing for the night and hoping that they’ll bump into each other in the city. Saying their goodbyes, they went separate ways.

I then heard the front doors open, I quickly hid behind the bushes. I saw someone walk by, that Diana girl most likely.

I sighed with relief. Time to go to the roof. I changed into bat and flew to the top.

By the time I reached, I heard movement. Probably them.

They exchanged their ‘goodnights’ and headed to bed.

Except one. Her.

She plopped on her bed.

I heard her talking in her thoughts.

First those dreams…then that hedgehog…and those eyes. Come to think of it, those eyes, for some reason seemed familiar, way too familiar.

Funny thing, the hedgehog that I was with in my dream hours ago had the exact…same..ones…

A crazy thought came to me, I sat up with my eyes slightly widened.

No, it couldn’t be him, could it?

I don’t know. Like what Vanessa said, not all rumours could be true but from what I saw tonight…this one could actually be real…but then again, no body really knows for sure if it’s actually him or not. No body really has actually been able to see him fully. Even Pierre and his paranormal investigator friends are try to figure this out too.

She sighed.

Maybe I’m just imagining things, it’s been enough of a day, I just need a good night sleep, that’s all.

She then went to go get ready for bed.

I’m not going to make this any more stressful for her, she’s had a long day, she needs her rest.

But before I do that, an idea came, I looked to see if anyone was around, no one.

I’ll go on her little balcony there and see if I could just catch her one more time, even it’s just a glimpse.

I have to be sure.

I jumped down to the small balcony there and carefully took a quick peek, I couldn’t see anything, the was room was quite dark except for a little lamp that was on. She might be in another room.

I saw a figure come out seconds after, I ducked back behind the window again.

I sighed with relief.

I then started to hear laughing, it was quiet but then got loud at times. Her laugh sounded, infectious. I smiled slightly at that.

‘Even her laugh is cute’

Then, something caught the corner of my eye.

I saw in the distance, the lights of the far away city of Paris, but what really caught my attention was the lights of the most famous known tower in the world.

The Eiffel Tower.

A thought occurred to me.

I hear it’s a very beautiful building, also a place known for romance, maybe I can take her there one time.

I can easily picture it now, I closed my eyes...

I then lost my train of thought when I suddenly didn’t hear any more laughter coming from the room behind me, it went all quiet.

She must be going to sleep now, I should probably go now but before I do that, I want to see her just one more time again, even for a spilt second.

I have to be sure that’s her.

I slowly peeked through the window, it was blocked by a curtain but I was able to still see her face slightly.

Then I noticed her face looked towards the window.

“Damn it”

I quickly went back up to the rooftop above me.

I heard footsteps below me, then I heard something sliding.

I looked over below me. I saw her head peak out the window, she looked around but saw nothing then went back inside.

I sighed with relief.

“Thank god, she didn’t notice me”

Then I heard her again.

I’m honestly too tired to deal with this, it’s been too long of a day and need to get some sleep.

I could’ve sworn I saw something…like a figure was standing right outside on my balcony…but it disappeared as soon I saw it. I did see its shadow however but couldn’t make out the shape of it.

I’ve only been in Paris for like a few hours and weird things are already starting to happen. Maybe I’m being a bit paranoid about this.

It got quiet again after that.

I sighed again.

I don’t when the right time will be, I'll have to figure it out sooner or later but for now, she needs her rest right now and has had quite a long day, if I show my self now then she’ll go paranoid for real.

I close my eyes and smiled.

‘Sweet Dreams, beautiful’

Withthat, I turned into a bat once more and headed for the city towards my castle.


I ran to straight to my room to the golden mirror I had.

‘Mirror, mirror that stands before me, show me the girl that I have just seen’ I said.

The mirror changed from his reflection to a reflection of the pretty girl he witnessed just moments before.

It started showing numerous images of her from entering the hotel to  sleeping peacefully in her bed.

The image stopped there.

And that’s when I ended back here.

I was still on my knees, tears still falling from my eyes.

"I know I just met her but…I think I’m starting to like her…actually more than that…I think I’m in love with her…”

The other figure smiled with hope. “What if she's the one?”

The blue figure held up his head.

“You maybe right. She’s the one that…will make me happy again…she’s the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with…I want her to be my princess.”  

“But how are you going to that? She doesn’t know that you actually exist.”

I thought for a second, then something came up.

“I know the perfect way, but it’ll be tricky”

“Just how tricky exactly?”


September 11th, 2014, 12:16am

I pulled up into the driveway of my home, the house looked dark inside except for the light coming from the front window where the living room is, Cassandra probably left that on for me. The garden and porch lights were also on so it doesn’t make any difference, they’re always turned on automatically at night anyways.

I turned off the car but before I got out, I noticed something, standing at the front door was a black cloaked figure, with only a face and golden yellow eyes showing visibly.

Something’s not right. My heart was beating slightly but remained calm as I could. I took deep breath, got out of the car and went up to the cloaked person.

“Excuse me, Sir or Madame, is there something can I help you with?”

“Pierre, right?”

“Uh, yes it is?”

“I heard you were looking for me”

I was getting slightly confused and somewhat frightened. I got a bad feeling about this.

“I’m sorry but I don’t quite understand what your…”

The figure pulled down its hood to reveal its self.

I stood there wide eyed, already knowing who this was.

“I…I don’t believe this, after multiple researching, investigating for so long now, could the rumours be true?”

“Look, I mean no harm to you, I just came to ask you a favour” I asked.

“A favour? What kind of a favour?”

The young being looked around quickly.

“I think it’s best if we talk inside”

I thought about this for moment, I wasn’t sure it’d be a good idea, I was about to answer when I heard my phone vibrating.

I sighed. I grab it from my front pocket, Theo was calling, I looked back up facing the blue hedgehog.

“Uh, do you mind waiting for a moment?”

“Of course”

I nodded and turned away for moment to answer the call.


“Pierre, I’m sorry to disturb you but I just wanted to make sure that the girls got to the hotel safely?”

“Uh, yes, yes, they're are safe and sound, all good and well, also asleep most likely. They looked pretty tired after that long flight.”

“Oh, I’m sure they were, they’ve been up for quite awhile and after a flight like that, they’ll need their rest. Did you tell them about Thursday?"

“Yes I did, their really looking forward to it, especially Kristina, she was surprised a bit but is really excited.”

“Well it is a big day for her so we want her to feel and look special”

“Yes, we do” My voice was starting to hesitate and feeling shaky.

“Are you alright, Pierre?”

“I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?"

"You don’t sound alright to me, I can tell by your voice that something's not right."      

I sighed.

“It’s complicated, I think it’s best if you come to the house here, I’ll explain everything.”

“Alright, I’m on my way” He hung up.

I sighed again and turned back towards the hedgehog.

He was looking up at the sky when he looked down back at me.

“Alright, I’ll bring you inside with me but your gonna be doing most of the talking, my friend and I will be asking the questions when he gets here, got that?”

He bowed his head. “Yes, sir”

I raised an eyebrow, I felt intrigued for a moment.

“For someone who got turned into something that’s just a myth, your being very courteous” I asked still intrigued.

The hedgehog lifted his head up.

“Well, I am from a time where people were like that, especially the royal ones like me.”

“You’ve got a point there. Anyway, let’s head inside, before anything else happens”

“Yes, of course” The hedgehog said as he moved aside to let me pass through, to open the door.

“After you” I gestured for him to go inside.

He nodded and headed inside. I followed behind.

I know he said he wouldn’t harm me, which is weird since a creature like him has to live off blood and that he was being kind enough to talk about this but still, I have a bad feeling about this.

I shouldn’t want to worry much though, when Theo gets here, I’m sure we’ll figure out with him and what he wants.

With that, I closed and locked the door behind me.
Hey everyone,

Hope your all doing well.

Before I say anything, I just recently graduated college (WooHoo!) Clap such an awesome and relieving time but as time comes, it's not really over, now the hard part comes...looking for a job.Waaaah! And to think that school is the hardest part of it all, yes its boring mostly but the best part about, is that you get to see, hang out and share some classes with your friends everyday, but know that it doesn't last forever, there comes that point were we have to say farewell. But just know that it doesn't mean goodbye forever. Hug 

Anyway, here is the long awaited Chapter 5. See I told you it wasn't gonna be 4 months (well almost 4 but still Sweating a little... ) 

Comment below and let me know what you think of this chapter. 

P.S. As I said before, most likely these chapters will be very long, so take your time reading them, no rush Nod )

P.S.S. There are some chapters, that have/will contain some french words/sentences, if you know how to speak it that's great, if you don't then that's ok, you can use an online translator to see what they mean. (No need to freak out) meowspazz 

I will start Chapter 6 asap as I continue to keep looking for work. 

Also just a friendly reminder that after this chapter, Sonic will not be showing up for quite a few chapters, don't worry, he'll be mentioned, just now showing up for a little bit. 

Have a good day guys and see u all next time!



All character/name(s) belong to me 

Sonic Characters (c) SEGA & Sonic Team
© 2017 - 2024 SonicGirl96
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